Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Wine cellar, dug out from the Meishan Group expert named Meishan ancient cellar, the wine inside, of course, was named Meishan ancient brewing infer that the brewing process has been unearthed in the ancient cellar called process With the commencement of the work of experts on the the Meishan ancient cache of goods, as well as the major news media tracking reports, and Meishan Group speculation master deliberately arranged, half a month of time, once again brought to new heights, and peaked in the Chung Yeung Festival day.
Simply collections of in Meishan ancient cellar's origins next conclusion is very very easy, simply look at the things inside the Zhangmu Xiang, and even an archaeological professional graduate students can come to similar results experts to consider the issue of course, a comprehensive carefully much more in addition to analysis based on the text information in this ancient cellar,Carolina Panthers Jerseys, but also carbon-14 method for the precise determination of the age of all collections, discovered from of Meishan ancient brew ingredients nature but also for laboratory tests, a preliminary study of those ancient version also. wait until all studies are completed, these relics excavated to grade, but also because of the need so many steps, the press conference of the National Heritage Board Meishan ancient cellar until the Chung Yeung Festival day in Beijing and Meishan Group.
All the experts agreed that the entire Meishan ancient pits and ancient cellar collections are designated as National Treasures, Meishan ancient cellar will become a key cultural relics protection units for construction management by local governments and the Meishan Group at a press conference In addition to the individual is closely related to ancient stuffed with Meishan relics stored in the ancient cellar Meishan Group and local government after the end of, Zhang Muxiang in the other collections will be sent to Beijing by the National Palace Museum collection, while those wine part will be sent to the Palace Museum and the Jiangnan provinces, Kuaiji and the city museum to save part of the government auction, and the rest is still by the Meishan Group and local governments save in the activities of Qianlao wait until the end of the press conference will also be roving exhibitions across the country to engage in an the Meishan ancient cellars goods.
Meishan Group played a major role in the ancient cellar excavations, coupled with the impact of the the nfl Beijing trip,wholesale nfl jerseys, approved by the relevant government departments and the National Heritage Board, awarded to the Meishan Group, four pairs of blue and white and more than 10 small jars, large jar awarded to eight Meishan Group.

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